BOOKS NOT SELECTED AT THE AUG 19, 1994 METAGROUP Jonathan Emord; Freedom, Technology and the First Amendment Mark Skousen; The Structure of Production Kevin Dowd; Laissez Faire Banking Lynn Margulis & Dorian Sagan; Microcosmos Diane Ackerman; Natural History of the Senses Robert Graves; King Jesus Fowler & Mooney; Shattering Spiro Kostof; The City Assembled Spiro Kostof; The City Shaped John R. Koza; Genetic Programming Daniel Dennett; Consciousness Explained Steven Jay Gould; Eight Little Piggies Paul Weaver; The Suicidal Corporation Paul Kennedy; The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers Paul Johnson; Intellectuals Ivars Peterson; Newton's Clock Michael D. Coe; Breaking the Maya Code Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers; Order out of Chaos Neal Stephenson; Snow Crash Candace Falk; Love, Anarchy & Emma Goldman Geoffrey Moore; Crossing the Chasm David Miller; Critical Rationalism Nancy Kress; Beggers in Spain David Kelly; The Evidence of the Senses Richard A. Epstein; Bargaining With The State Lani Guinier; The Tyranny of the Majority Alvin Toffler; Powershift J. Neil Schulman; Stopping Power David Kelley; The Evidence of the Senses